The rehabilitation of the Chevy Chase Circle’s fountain has begun!
It means that the fountain will not be working this summer but it also means that by next spring, thanks to both Federal dollars and community donations, we will have a refurbished fountain replete with a new pumping and filtration system, a re-lined basin, new landscaping and LIGHTS!
Working with the National Park Service that owns the circle and the dollars generated through community donations, Friends of Chevy Chase Circle engineered the first-ever lighting plan for the fountain and brought that plan to the Commission of Fine Arts. Permission to install lights both in the fountain itself and around the basin was granted soon after. Happily, lights for both their aesthetic and safety effects are now part and parcel of the National Park Service’s plan for the rehabilitation of the fountain and next spring, lights will be part of the fountain and the circle’s new face.
Fencing has gone up to enclose the area and there will be dumpsters and heavy equipment added to the mix. It is estimated that the project will continue through November. It will also mean some noise. Crews will need to drill through the concrete basin and then excavate to reach the plumbing system and the pipes that lay directly under the fountain. Please be extra cautious when navigating the circle!
Finally, our neighborhood landmark will continue to look better and better due to community stewardship and our partnership with the National Park Service but only if individuals within this community step forward to make a difference. Friends of Chevy Chase Circle is seeking leadership on into the future and if serving in a leadership position or on the community board made up of both DC and Maryland residents is of interest, Please let us know!
Ruth Robbins, President